1903  The club was founded and a three rink green was originally located behind the Shoulder of Mutton public house (then called the Railway Hotel).
1911  The Bowls Club had grown big enough to hold its first annual dinner and this event continues today.
1928 Wendover Bowls Club  hosted the first Ladies Championship in the County.
1930 The green was reconstructed and re-turfed at a cost of £100.  Membership at that time was 46 men which gave a total subscription of £48.6s.0d.
1933  The rules were changed lowering subscriptions to 10s.6d and it was also recommended that Ladies be admitted as members ‘without voting rights.’
1941  During the war years  the club pavilion, a wooden hut in the grounds of the Railway Hotel, was used as the HQ of the Wendover Home Guard.
1945  The club went into cold storage until 1948 due to lack of membership (6 only).
1951  An application was made to possibly rent a piece of ground at the rear of the Tennis Courts in Dobbins Lane. However, it was agreed that the Club purchase the site in Dobbins Lane. This went ahead and has been our location since 1952.  The new green took approximately 2 years to complete and in 1954 matches were restored.
1956   A new Pavilion was suggested and in 1957 the new one was officially opened.
1959   The ladies section was started. At this time the club had 46 playing men. 16 playing ladies and 10 non players.
1978  With the ladies section continuing to flourish with many County successes, it was agreed at the AGM that the ladies should have voting rights.
1989  Having obtained Planning approval for a clubhouse extension, work commenced and the new extension was completed in 1991. The membership was 93 men, 41 ladies and 16 non playing members.
2000  Millennium year. The club continued to flourish and was not  only  successful in bowls, it became a fully mixed club.
2001 – 2018  The club continues to maintain a healthy membership, and has resulted in Many County honours and now has a busy Short Mat section too.

2018 – 2024 The club despite the Covid problems still maintains a healthy membership and very keen participation in the Short Mat bowling during the indoor season and we look forward to the 2025 outdoor season with hopefully an improving outlook