For a Bowls Club to function efficiently, it has to have the full participation of the membership in fulfilling many basic requirements. To manage this effectively, we arrange and publish before the outdoor season starts a number of membership ROTAS, and these are updated as and when needed.
These fall into 4 main functions each activity is broken down into teams:
Cleaning Rota: Each team consists of 4 members, once a week at an agreed day and time. They carry out varying duties between themselves.
Tea Rota and Team Rota Teams – are organised by the Ladies Vice Captain, and consists of two members for all Home matches.
Mowing Rota: Each team consists of two men who undertake to mow the green, and change the rinks round as indicated by the Green Keeper who compiles the list and actions needed.
Bar Rota: This is an individual function, organised by the Bar Steward, who compiles the list according to the needs of the varying Bowls Club activities. As a general rule bar staff are excused from the Tea Rota.