Q. Can anyone play.
A. Yes, bowls is open to everyone who is a playing member of the club.
Q. Do I need special clothing and equipment.
A. Beginners only need a pair of flat bottomed shoes as a starter, bowls are available to borrow while you learn.
Q. Will someone show me how to play.
A. Yes, you will be given tuition and encouraged to join in roll-ups on Tuesday afternoons to improve your skills.
Q. When can I play.
A. Once you have had sufficient instruction you will be able to play anytime the green is open, i.e. every day after 10.30am, unless the green is undergoing maintenance or there is a match on.
Q. Will I have to play in club matches.
A. All members are encouraged to play in matches but it is up to individuals to add their names to the match sheets and await selection.
Q. Will I have to wear particular clothing to roll up or play in matches.
A. Yes, we have grey trousers white/club shirts for the men and either grey trousers or skirts and white/club shirts for the ladies for roll-ups. For club matches it is usually white trousers and white shirts (or tops), or club shirts can be worn. Bowls shoes are essential once you are ready to play. Some second hand clothing is available at the club.
Q. How much does it cost to be a member.
A. See Subscription Page.
Q. What are my commitments as a member.
A. The club relies on all members to make some sort of contribution. You will be expected to be part of one or more rotas, ie the tea, bar, green mowing, cleaning or general maintenance of the club. All members are expected to participate so that the club subscription fees can be kept at a reasonable level for everyone to enjoy.